First article here ( I hope …) . Well, if I remember correctly I  created LAVENUEDELAVENIR in VIVALDI beginning 2014 . Result NOW , mail box is OUT ( it is impossible to open the mail !! ) , sending a picture is impossible  – I still dont undestand how I  could load a photo a few days ago … ), and using my blog is also impossible … I wonder :  are all these problems coming because I’m using a special machine I can fry french frites-Shave-and(occasionnely) Phone or Surf on the Web ????? …… It’s suposed to be a phone ( mobile phone), but sinc e a long time I have so many time I’ve so many doubts …  Last information : the provider is a fruit . Colour : between red and pink … … So, at this moment Im using a public computer and Im curious to Watch the result ?!?! Usually, when I use this “special machine”, I write my text, I valid the text, I go and look the result and NOTHING !  EMPTY !

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